‘Saptarshidhama’, 1st Block Rajajinagar, Bengaluru – 560010 

 ‘Saptarshidhama’, 1st Block Rajajinagar, Bengaluru – 560010 

Present Management:

Sri. P.R. Mundewadi, B.Com., F.C.A.


Prof. N.H. Lakshminarasu, M.Sc


Sri. P.G. Dwarakanath, M.Sc., B.Ed.

Hon. Secretary

Sri. S. Hariprasad, B.Com.

Hon. Jt. Secretary

Sri. J.R. Deshapande, B.Com.

Hon. Treasurer

Sri. K. Sridhar, B.Com., F.C.A.


Smt. M. PrasannaKumari, B.Sc., B.Ed.


Smt. ShobhaNaik, M.A.


Smt. Gita Venkatesh, M.A., M.Ed.



Sri.P.R.Mundewadi,Chairman,VidyaVardhaka Sangha:

A Chartered Accountant and a Financial wizard, Sri.P.R.Mundewadi has held very high positions in Kirloskar Electricals and Investments. Being the Chairman of VVS for almost 6 decades, is indeed an approbation. Further his vision has emboldened the institution for future discreet expansion and quiet consolidation.  He has always laid emphasis on high quality education and application of ICT in classroom engagement. Altruistically envisaged welfare schemes for VVS employees is an absolute touchstone of his forethought.


VidyaVardhaka Sangha:

A Chartered Accountant and a Financial wizard, Sri.P.R.Mundewadi has held very high positions in Kirloskar Electricals and Investments. Being the Chairman of VVS for almost 6 decades, is indeed an approbation. Further his vision has emboldened the institution for future discreet expansion and quiet consolidation.  He has always laid emphasis on high quality education and application of ICT in classroom engagement. Altruistically envisaged welfare schemes for VVS employees is an absolute touchstone of his forethought.


Smt.Lakshminarasu, Vice Chairperson, VidyaVardhaka Sangha

A Post graduate degree in Physics and Head of the Department of Physics in VVS Degree College for 37 years, Smt.Lakshminarasu N.H. has been actively involved in all the activities of the Sangha. Later after superannuation, she has chaired the Principalship of VVS Sardar Patel PU College for two years. A very able administrator, resolute in all aspects has been mainly instrumental in the establishment of VVS Academic Resource and Training Centre, a new annexe which will shoulder the responsibility of handholding teachers to reincarnate themselves more so as facilitators to 21stCentury Pupils.


Sri.P.G.Dwarakanath, Hon.Secretary,VidyaVardhaka Sangha :

Sri P.G. Dwarakanath presently is the Hon. Secretary of Vidyavardhaka Sangha. He joined VVS as a teacher in the prestigious aided school VVS HIGH SCHOOL in the year 1965. Later he became the Head Master of the same school and retired as the Head Master of the school after superannuation. An ardent disciplinarian with versatile interests made the high school exemplary through multifarious activities. Later he became a life member and was made the treasurer for a short period and then he was made the Hon. Joint Secretary in the year 1998 and continued in the post for almost 12 years. All the activities, both academic and administrative of VVS, have an unmistakable mark of his unique efficiency. He has shouldered many responsibilities in the management and has played a major role in getting permissions from different Governmental offices and also in getting land from MUDA to run the educational activities of the Sangha at Mysore. 


Sri.S.Hariprasad, Joint Secretary, VidyaVardhaka Sangha :

Sri.S.Hariprasad, a Commerce graduate was brought in to VVS Corporate Office during the year 1999, subsequently he became a life member of VVS and was taken in to the Management Committee of VVS. Presently he is the Joint Secretary of the Sangha and has shouldered various responsibilities. His rich experience in legal and financial aspects has provided a strong support to VVS. He also has the responsibility of overseeing and managing certain administrative matters like Fee structure, Salary, PF and Land issues.


Sri.J.R.Deshpande, Treasurer, VidyaVardhaka Sangha

Sri.J.R.Deshpande joined VVS in the year 2001 as the Administrator. Looking after various issues regarding day-to-day running of the Institution.  Later he joined the Managing Committee of VVS and presently he is the Hon.Treasurer of VVS Managing Committee also looking after various infrastructural facilities of VVS Institutions.


Smt.M.Prasannakumari, Member, Managing Committee, VidyaVardhaka Sangha

Smt.M.Prasannakumari joined VVS at a tender age as assistant mistress in Gandhi Centenary English School. She then shouldered the responsibilities of the GC School as Head Mistress on successful track after Smt.SavitriChouke and Smt.Lalitha Ramamurthy. With a very rich experience of nearly 40 years, she ran the school very efficiently. She then joined VVS Management in the year 1996 as Life Member, later was taken into the Managing Committee of VVS. Presently she is one of the Managing Committee members of VVS.

Smt. Shobha Rajiv Naik

Smt. Shobha Rajiv Naik, Member, Managing Committee, VidyaVardhaka Sangha

Smt. Shobha Rajiv Naik, a post graduate in Economics was in close association with VVS from almost the year 1990-91. She joined as a life member and later was taken into the Managing Committee of VVS in the year 1996. She continues to be the member of the Managing Committee of VVS.


Sri.K.Sridhar, Member, Managing Committee, VidyaVardhaka Sangha

A Chartered Accountant by profession, Sri.K.Sridhar was taken as a life member in the year 2019 and subsequently he was taken as a Managing Committee member of VVS in place of Sri. D.V.SheshadriIyer who resigned in the year 2021. With his very rich experience as a chartered accountant, he is looking after various aspects both on account side and legal aspects.

Smt.Gita Venkatesh

Smt.Gita Venkatesh, Member, Managing Committee, VidyaVardhaka Sangha

Mrs. Gita Venkatesh who has been in Gandhi Centenary School for almost four decades, is a pillar of strength in all academic endeavours of the school. She is a post graduate with MA & M.Ed.

Academic Coordinators:


Sri.B.Parthasarathy: VVS is blessed to utilize the services of an ex Chief Engineer of the Damodar Valley Project Sri.B.Parthasarathy, whose experience and expertise is evident in modelling the physical infrastructure of all its main institutions like the Saptharshidhama, Dhruvadhama, Mangaladhama, Prakruthidhama and others. A Perfectionist and a highly knowledgeable person served as Vice Chairman of the Sangha and was popular as “Walking Encyclopedia of VVS.


Smt.P.K.Subbalakshmi: A humble teacher who later became the Head Mistress of Kannada Higher Primary School is Smt.P.K.Subbalakshmi. She had the unique distinction of being the first teacher to enter the VVS Executive Committee. VVS recognised and honoured her yeomen service by requesting her to lay the foundation stone of a mammoth administrative block in Dhruvadhama campus. She introduced the tradition of celebrating Indian Festivals in the school.

Sri. D.V.Seshadri Iyer

Sri. D.V.Seshadri Iyer: Sri.Iyer, a veteran in Finance and Accounts joined VVS during the year 1996 with his expertise in accounts and Finance. He shouldered all the responsibilities as its cautious, discreet, ever vigilant Treasurer of the Institution for a long time. The custody of the institutional coffers was very much safe in the hands of Sri.D.V.Seshadri Iyer.

Ms.Uma Aniah

Ms.Uma Aniah: VVS B.M.Sri School, Mysore will ever be indebted to Ms.Uma for the yeomen service being rendered by her. An excellent teacher, able administrator who has always imbibed discipline both in students and teachers. She has at all times encouraged technology related teaching strategies. Many innovative teaching practises putforth by her teachers have been lauded and encouraged by her.

From the Desk of The Chairman, VVS :

Stride ahead……

It is a pleasure that Vidya Vardhaka Sangha is launching its website for all stakeholders to know about its objectives, its future vision, its educational foundations, its institutions and their accomplishments. VVS being a society-oriented institution it is quite necessary that the people around are aware of all these, hence the significance of this step. Being abreast with up-to-date technology and its utilization are a dire need today as its inevitability, timely use and effectiveness have been conveyed with its masterly stroke, a lesson to be salvaged, from lethal corona. Volumes of information can be communicated through just a couple of pages by the use of technology to people thousands of miles away. I am sure that the people in charge of this responsibility will make it dynamic, user-friendly, easy for access and informative so that all those interested in noble-minded education gather what they require. I wish it would be put into all its possible uses.