‘Saptarshidhama’, 1st Block Rajajinagar, Bengaluru – 560010 

‘Saptarshidhama’, 1st Block Rajajinagar, Bengaluru – 560010 

VVS Sardar Patel High School

About Us:

Odyssey of our School :

Instituted as the ‘Dream child of VVS’  in 1975, We turned forty-seven in the odyssey of education, And proved mighty with cent percent success for over four decades in succession, By capping State Ranks year after year And hammered home the point VVSSPHS is a cypress-clear

That is attributed to our teachers standing guard; Each one of them donning the role of a foster parent for every ward; Not to mention our Management that is dutiful to the last letter, Making the administration become better and better As a capstone, our students evince in academic, athletics and artistic talent an unflinching determination. For which the spotlight is on their parents for their immense co-operation With the onset of Covid pandemic Emerged the ‘Online Movement’ world wide Heralding a New Hybrid model of Education Opening up new channels of innovation Both for the facilitator and the learner,

Proclaiming :

If you are determined to learn, no one can stop you.
If you are unwilling to learn new skills, no one can help you
Committed to the school motto-‘In pursuit of Excellence’
SPHS shall ever continue to render yeoman service towards the cause of education.

[Dedicated to all Luminaries of VVSSPHS] 

School Building 



Then                         Now